What it is.
A compassionate small ADHD group coaching program
​Designed for adults with ADHD
Especially if you are recently diagnosed with ADHD
Allows for individual attention & group support
A comprehensive program that includes​
Strategies for self empowerment
Exploration of strengths & successes
Reframing of limiting beliefs & thinking traps
A 6 month program that allows you to
Make real change
Develop consistency over time
Create sustainable ADHD strategies and systems
Why it works!
It helps to foster self-compassion
Group members "get you" and can relate to your experiences
They do not judge you for your struggles or the way you do things
It empowers you to explore freely and find your own unique way!
It provides you with support and connection
Other people are on the journey with you
They help normalize your experience and feel validated
There is greater acceptance of your strengths and challenges
You are not alone!
It gives you the optimal structure you need to succeed
Clear agenda on what to focus on within sessions and from week to week
Accountability partners
Support to help you engage with and get the most out of your coaching!
A note from Vidya
This program is my heart's work. It came out of learning what my clients need to be successful and get the most out of their coaching experience. Every detail and drumbeat of this program has been well thought out. I continue to learn from my clients' feedback and to improve on it every time I engage with the coaching. Let's chat further to see if my approach is a good fit for your needs at this time!
Is it for you?
The Core Program is for you if...
You are an adult with ADHD, especially if you are relatively recently diagnosed
You want to understand how your ADHD brain wiring works
You want ADHD strategies and systems that will help you be self empowered
You want support and connection that will help you be more self compassionate
You are ready and able to engage in a 6 month ADHD program at this time